Saturday, November 30, 2013

How to deal with Difficult Mother In Law

How to Deal With a Difficult Mother in Law

If your mother-in-law repeatedly hurts you either physically or emotionally, it can permanently damage your marriage. Here are some ways to deal with her that can protect yourself, your family and your future.



Tips and Warnings

Method One: Avoid Escalating Conflict


Detach yourself emotionally. Think of her as an acquaintance and not your "other mother," unless the relationship is warm, friendly and family-like. Don't call her "Mother" or "Mom." She isn't your parent; you are on equal terms. Call her by her first name, unless you are living in (or your spouse is from) a country in which it's considered rude to call your mother-in-law only by name. In that case, follow the custom properly as to how to respectfully address her and establish a name, with your spouse, you feel comfortable calling her..


Understand the common problems. There are often many reasons why a mother-in-law may be difficult towards her child's new lover. She may feel less important to her child (or still see them as a child rather than someone's spouse). She may have difficulty standing behind someone else in their child's life. She simply may be a completely different person from you. Understanding the reasoning behind her behavior instead of taking it personally will make it easier to deal with..


Distance yourself physically. You don't need to move cross-country, but you also don't need to show up at every event. It's acceptable for your spouse to attend some family events without you. This should not be a common occurrence, however. You should not try to drive a wedge between your spouse and his family. It could also be a victory of sorts for that mother of his/hers - she gets to spend time with her child and avoid you completely. Even if it's easier, this will cause discord in your marriage eventually..


Remember that it's highly unlikely that she'll change. If your mother-in-law has criticized you, stabbed you in the back to other family members and has been dismissive of things you've said, she could be making a very clear statement about your relationship. If she's done this, remember to keep your distance even when she's being nice. Look to other women for mentoring, advice, kindness and role modeling. You may have to write her off as being a positive factor in your life..


Recognize and avoid the triggers. Before coming in contact with the in-law, visualize the scenarios which always manage to get under your skin. What is it that is said or done that makes your blood boil? Once you determine those triggers (which tend to be the same emotionally, manifested in various ways), think about ways in which you can avoid them..


Don't raise the emotional temperature. If conflict is impossible to avoid, go ahead andrespond honestly. Don't be rude, but be firm and don't sugar-coat. Remember that despite your efforts to avoid direct conflict, this person has shown little regard for your feelings on whatever the issue is. Don't let the fear of hurting the feelings of your relative or in-law stop you from responding appropriately--it clearly hasn't stopped them..


Disarm guilt as a weapon. If the mother-in-law attempts to use guilt as a tool of manipulation, it’s fairly easy to overcome. Whenever you perceive her attempting to manipulate your emotions by making you feel guilty, bring the whole matter to conscious awareness by asking, “You’re not trying to make me feel guilty, are you?” She will probably deny it, but soon the pattern will re-emerge. Keep interrupting the pattern of falling into a state of guilt by bringing attention to her emotionally manipulative tactics. You don't want to be rude, but put a stop to the use of guilt as a weapon..

If you refuse to enter the emotional state of guilt, it will allow you to be more objective and compassionate in seeing that she is probably using guilt because she feels powerless. If you can address that sense of powerlessness, you have the opportunity to transform the relationship for good. For example, say something in front of the family to flatter her such as, "We usually reserve Friday nights for dinner with Mom and Dad. We need family time with them." This gives her a sense of importance in front of everyone and helps her feel needed and wanted.


Think about your spouse and child. You don't want to say or do anything to harm your relationship with them. Do you need to try and break the tension? Bite your tongue? Sometimes you have to suck it up and behave nicely for the sake of someone else's happiness..

Method Two: Setting Boundaries


Define your boundaries. You set the boundaries in your relationships, both with your spouse and with your mother-in-law. If those boundaries are crossed and your mother-in-law can’t seem to take the hint, and if your spouse is unwilling to address the situation and stand up for you, then you have to assert yourself to restore balance. Define boundaries which you consider to be bottom lines that may not be crossed and make you feel violated when they are, and make them clearly known..

For example, if you value your privacy and a relative insists on frequent unannounced drop-in visits, that may be a bottom line for you. The first thing to realize is that it’s perfectly OK to satisfy your own needs. A relationship that makes you feel violated isn’t healthy..

If your mother-in-law drops over unannounced just before you and your spouse are headed out for dinner, you can say, "Gee, it's nice to see you. I just wish you'd called ahead. Josh and I are on our way out to dinner. If we'd known you were coming, we'd have made plans to eat at home." This will make it clear to your mother-in-law that she needs to call first next time.


Verbalize your boundaries. If you don't say something, she will not stop. And if you aren't clear with your spouse about how you would like the matter handled, your spouse may continue to appease his parent at your expense. Speak to your spouse first. If she is unsuccessful in putting a stop to the overstepping, then go to the mother-in-law..

If you’ve been going years without clearly verbalizing and enforcing your boundaries like a mature adult and let your mother-in-law treat you like a child for too long, she most likely won’t take you seriouslyat first. There may be a "shock" reaction, which is usually feigned, at the mere suggestion that you dare attempt to put restrictions on this behavior. Just let her have her reaction and stand your ground anyway.


Enforce your boundaries. Do this compassionately but firmly. After all, there's a good chance you've allowed this behavior to go on for years and that makes you partly to blame for the fact that your mother-in-law has not learned the behavior you want from her. But if she doesn't respond to gentle reminders, adopt a no-nonsense approach to enforcing your boundaries..

Let her know that for the next 10 days (start with 10, expand to 30 if she doesn't get the message the first time), you intend to strictly enforce the boundaries you’ve described. Make it clear that if she violates your boundaries even once during those 10 days, you will then begin a 10-day communications blackout. If you have to go to Blackout, have your spouse present and let the mother-in-law know she cannot have contact for 10 days. This includes drop-in visits, phone calls and e-mails — unless it’s absolutely necessary. After the 10-day "fasting" period, you can restart the original 10-day boundary-enforcement trial and repeat the process.

Let your mother-in-law know that both you and your spouse are equally committed to doing this (and it's best if your spouse is the one to inform his/her mother, not you). Be totally transparent about what you’re doing. Also, let her know that you’re resorting to this process because she's left you no choice. Remind her that you've made many attempts to let her know how serious you were and those attempts were ignored..

Method Three: Have Your Spouse Help Out


Express your feelings to your spouse. Let your husband (or wife) know that the way their mother treats you is hurtful. You are entitled to share these feelings with your spouse. Do not criticize her - remember this is his/her mother - but don't protect her either. You can say something like, "Honey, your mom may not mean to be hurtful, but she was tonight. In the future, if she says something like (give the example that hurt you), I would appreciate it if you would speak up for me.".


Get spousal support Does your spouse support you? It's very important and will determine your success in dealing with your mother-in-law. Sometimes you need to tell your spouse there's a problem, since s/he will not want to ruffle any feathers. Be clear and offer specific solutions that will be acceptable to both of you. Each of you should take responsibility for putting your marriage/spouse first, and your childhood family second, which sometimes requires you to protect your marriage from your birth family. If your husband/wife will not step up and protect you from his/her mother, then you have a problem that will plague you for your entire marriage..


Make your spouse understand that they must take the lead with their family. If your spouse will not handle his/her family, you will never solve this problem. Your spouse's mother has already demonstrated that she doesn't respect or recognize you. Nothing you say or do will change that. Unless your spouse is willing to take charge, outline clear boundaries over which the mother must not step, and be willing to follow up these statements with action and definitive consequences, you will have to face the fact that you will not be able to ever change this relationship. That may be a deal breaker for you and for your marriage. If it is, let your spouse know before it's too late so that they have time to remedy the situation..


You are entitled to a peaceful life. Your mother-in-law deserves respect, but if her behavior is ugly, she isn't entitled to any sort of special privilege. Mothers-in-law sometimes assume that they're going to be a powerful matriarch. If she doesn't deserve your respect, you're certainly entitled to protect yourself and your marriage, and keep strong boundaries.

121 Helpful?  7

You married your significant other, not his/her mother. Obviously, you will need to make adjustments and accommodations at times, but neither of you should have to completely change yourself because of a dominating, passive-aggressive, or clueless mother-in-law.

89 Helpful?  5

Remember that she will say and do what she wants, you should just do what pleases you as long as you don't stoop down to her level.

75 Helpful?  9

This topic is dealing with difficult Mill's... I like how people are making excuses for bad behavior. Ex. Clueless excited. Whatever the reason, you cannot change others, only yourself. Standing up for yourself and your marriage is necessary for peace and joy. There are many Mill's that are wonderful. This site is not about them, stop making excuses for bad behavior some people are not so lucky to have supportive in-laws and need help setting boundaries.

41 Helpful?  12

If you suspect she is feigning illness to get attention, call her bluff. "I'm worried about your frequent dizzy spells. Let's call your doctor right now for an appointment."

31 Helpful?  14

Your mother-in-law, if cultivated properly, can become a powerful and beneficial force in your personal life, as well as a great support network for your marriage. But you have to work to make that happen and the key is communication. Just let her know if you need more alone time or something else. It's only when she ignores your wishes after you've made them clear to her that you need to resort to other measures

25 Helpful?  26

Consider sitting down and having a heart-to-heart talk with your mother-in-law. Pick your moment carefully. Think about what you are going to say ahead of time. Get your partner's support and thoughts on the matter ahead of time. If she is making your life miserable, what do you have to lose?

20 Helpful?  36

Sometimes, the negative behavior of a mother-in-law really is just clueless and not malicious intent.

16 Helpful?  44

If it's possible, be kind and gentle with her. You will catch far more flies with honey.

12 Helpful?  50

Mothers-in-law get excited over the prospect of "gaining a son or daughter" and can over-do without meaning to over-step. Be kind and compassionate. She may just be excited about having a new family member and want to be super-involved as a way of being helpful

12 Helpful?  53


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我和我婆婆的关系是拖我失望。 她经常批评,轻视,侮辱和我。 这通常是在一个足够狡猾地说,很难没有感觉,就好像我反应过度了直接挑战她的行为做了。 这是她的态度,这就是问题所在。 她一直居高临下和我们的婚姻有一天一斤。 我相信她生活在一个很大的自我强加的内疚,当她看到我是快乐无忧的,它激活了她的焦虑,她希望把我打倒。 

我不认为我可以改变她,我不很好看我怎么能避开她,无论是。 我认为这是更好地为我忍受一些不愉快,而不是我的丈夫和他的母亲,他所爱的人之间来了,谁一直是足够好的母亲从所有我可以告诉。 我不认为他会去和他们呆在一起没有我,至少不是很经常。 我们每隔一个月左右花一个周末的时间与他们的,因为它是。

另外,我有我的公婆,其余良好的合作关系,以及一个完整的破裂,她将意味着至少与他们的部分破裂,我不想做。 最后,我期待一个婴儿在秋天,我要尽我所能,以促进我的孩子和他/她的祖父母之间有很大的关系。 启动仇隙与我的母亲在法律,将不利于这一点。

所以,我不觉得我可以改变她或她剪了我的生活。 现在的问题是,如何忍受这种持续的无情迫害和不让它毒死我? 正因为如此,我害怕看到她前几天我做,油烟在她cattiness几天后,我接触到它。 这似乎很傻,少数表露无疑言论在一个偶然的周末带她几秒钟,提供应蒙上阴影在我的生活中这么多天。 这是特别令人沮丧,因为我有我的丈夫一个奇妙的关系,我爱我们的新家,我很高兴以后对我的成长的宝宝。 我想陶醉在这些东西没有成为沉思和怨恨过一个讨厌的人谁无疑使她自己的痛苦,不需要做我的。


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